From Surabaya to Malang | Complete Guide to Visit this City and Surroundings

From Surabaya to Malang

Driving from Surabaya to Malang it takes 2 hours and 10 minutes and this is the fastes way.

Malang city, still ignored by many tourists, is full of lively little neighborhoods and amazing initiatives carried out by its inhabitants. These include the traditional Wayang performances and proximity to the famous 13th-century temples of the Singhasari Empire. It is also one of the access doors to the Bromo volcano. Malang offers many different tourist attractions.

Surabaya and Malang are two of the most popular cities in East Java, Indonesia. Both cities are well-known for their unique cultures, history, and tourist attractions. If you are planning to travel from Surabaya to Malang, there are several ways to reach your destination. In this article, we will explore the different transportation options and some of the best places to visit in Malang.

There are 3 ways to get from Surabaya to Malang by train, bus, taxi or car:

By Train

Average time: 2h 10mn
Train from Gubeng to Malang train station: by KAI (Kereta Api Indonesia)
Frequency: 1 per day

The ticket prices vary depending on the class you choose, with the executive class being the most expensive.

By Bus

Average time: 2h 45 mn
Bus from Surabaya to Malang: by Transuperindo
Frequency: 4 times a day
Estimated price: €11

The buses are a cheaper option compared to the train, but they are not as comfortable.

By Car

Average time: 1h 45mn

If you prefer to drive, you can rent a car or hire a taxi. The journey takes around 2 hours, but it can take longer depending on traffic. The advantage of driving is that you have more flexibility and can stop at different places along the way.

What to visit in Malang – East Java?

Here are some recommended places to visit in Malang:

The city of Malang

Visiting the city of Malang can be done quickly. There is also not much to see and the tour can be completed in half a day. During your wanderings, you will find traces of the colonial era. Nicknamed “the Paris of Indonesia”, it is the residence chosen because of its temperate climate by many European settlers.

Deeply multicultural, we find various inspirations during the walk. We advise you to take a detour to the Taoist Chinese temple to meditate a little (entrance is free) or to sit in the main square to observe the joyful bazaar that accompanies the call to prayer.

In the city center, you will also come across the bird and flower market (and other animals that have no place there) which is held all over the street.


Tugu Malang
Tugu Monument and Malang City Hall. Annisa Alwita from Malang, Indonesia, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Balai Kota (TOWN HALL)

This Dutch administrative building overlooks a large park where magnificent mahogany trees grow. In the center of the park stands the monument to Independence, the Tugu.

Malang’s night market – pasar Besar

Is a happy mix of funfair and street-food stalls.

On Jl. Kyai Tamin, between Jl. Sutan Syahrir and Jl. Sersan Harun, daily until 10 p.m.

Eng An Kiong Three Teachings Temple

This Taoist Chinese temple is worth a visit. A ten-minute walk from the colorful districts of Biru Arema and Tridi, Kelenteng Eng An Kiong resounds with the prayers of the faithful, in a bewitching atmosphere of incense, red lanterns and dragon statues.
At the corner of Jl. Laksamana Martadinata and Jl. Zaenal Zakse


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Eng An Kiong temple in Malang. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Jodipan, the colorful village of Malang

3rd largest city in Indonesia, its exponential growth has led to the construction of slums along the train tracks and the river. While some are still destitute habitats, others have been rehabilitated, like Jodipan.

Formerly a slum without any particular interest, the inhabitants decided to paint the houses, from the walls to the roof, in all colors. For less than €1, you can stroll through the alleys but above all… fly your drone by the river. The spectacle seen from the sky is absolutely incredible: an aerial rainbow of color.

Once again, the arrival of tourists greatly amuses the children. Most were very intrigued by our flying machine and came to look at our screen. Others come to you, introduce themselves, asking our name and what we do here. We can only melt in front of them!


Rainbow village in Malang 01
Rainbow village, Jodipan in Malang. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In conclusion, Surabaya to Malang is a relatively short journey, but it is full of exciting places to visit and things to do. Whether you choose to travel by train, bus, or car, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the unique culture and history of Malang.

Visit Malang surroundings

Singhasari Temple (Singosari temple)

Only 10 km (6.2 miles) from Malang, the Singosari Temple (In Indonesian Candi Singosari) is located in the village of Candirenggo, north of the town of Singosari. Singhasari Temple which was dedicated to the god Shiva. The temple is located in a valley between the Tengger massif and Mount Arjuno-Welirang, at an altitude of 512 meters (1679.79 feet).

According to the Nagarakertagama, a poem written in 1365 to the glory of King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit, as well as an inscription dated 1351 and found in the temple grounds, it is dedicated to the last ruler of the kingdom of Singasari, Kertanegara, died in 1292 during the revolt of his vassal, Prince Jayakatwang of the kingdom of Kediri. It is believed that this sanctuary remained unfinished.

About 200 meters west of the temple, on either side of the road, there are two imposing dvarapala, statues of guardians which could indicate the entrance to a palace.


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Candi Singosari, Singosari, Malang. ESCapade, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Candi Jago

It is located in the village of Jago, 22 km (13.67 miles) east of Malang. Built for King Visnuvardhana around 1268, this temple, one of the most beautiful of its time in Java, features a multitude of Buddhist sculptures. Sumptuous bas-reliefs. To get there, from Arjosari de Malang station, take a mikrolet to Blimbing, then turn left to Tumpang and follow a small road to the temple.


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Candi Jago, Tumpang, Malang, East Java. ESCapade, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Candi Badut

Located 3 km from Malang, to the west, it is perhaps the oldest temple in the region and undoubtedly one of the oldest in Java since it is dated to the year 760. It was unfortunately looted and its architecture remodeled in the 13th century.


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View from South-East, Candi Badut, Malang, East Java. Anandajoti Bhikkhu from Sadao, Thailand, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Candi Kidal

This temple being located on the road leading to Candi Jago, access is the same. Erected in 1260 for King Anushapati, it is probably the most beautiful temple of the Singosari dynasty. Admirably restored, it has lintels decorated with kala heads and, on three sides, representations of the Garuda bird, the mount (vehicle, or vahana) of Vishnu.


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View from North, Candi Kidal, Malang, East Java. Anandajoti Bhikkhu from Sadao, Thailand, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Coban Jahe Waterfall

From the center of Malang, it takes about 50 minutes. Lush cascading waterfall featuring hiking & biking trails & a swimmable pool at the bottom.

In the vicinity of Malang, there are many waterfalls and viewpoints to visit. Among them, the Tumpak Sewu waterfall is surely the most famous. Only downside: it is located 2h30 by road from Malang. So, while doing our research, we came across the Coban Jahe waterfall and being much closer to the city. And when you don’t want to spend your time commuting or have a tight schedule, we think it’s a good compromise.

Well worth the effort – Good trail to the bottom and ojek waiting if you are in a hurry to go back – Ride a little disconcerting if youre not a bike rider, but these guys know how to ride.

Access to these natural attractions still needs to be improved, in order to facilitate tourists who will visit Coban Jahe. Here, we can find several waterfalls, Coban Jahe 1, 2 and 3. Coban Jahe 1 is the most complete facility, both a car park and food stalls. In Coban Jahe 2, there are floating photo spots and Cafe Indian. Coban Jahe 3 is the farthest, near Coban Tarsan.

Air Terjun Coban Jahe
Coban Jahe waterfall. Ahmadarisnur, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Batu Night Spectacular

Batu Night Spectacular is a theme park that comes alive at night. It features several rides, a waterfall, and a food court. It is an excellent place to spend an evening and enjoy the cool mountain air.

Bromo Volcano

Mount Bromo – One of the most popular tourist attractions in Malang is Mount Bromo, an active volcano. The volcano is located in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which is also home to other volcanoes and stunning landscapes.
Jatim Park – Jatim Park is an amusement park that features several attractions, including a zoo, water park, and science museum. It is an excellent place to visit with your family and friends.

Going to admire the sunrise on Mount Bromo was an activity that you may absolutely want to do during your trip to Indonesia. The Bromo volcano is located in the Tengger massif. The inhabitants of this region are Hindus.

With a departure at 12:30 a.m., several hours of driving in the back of a Jeep and a coffee at 4 a.m., you finally able to observe the sunrise over the Bromo volcano. The show is absolutely beautiful!

You can pay total of around €50 for this excursion. Even if you could surely have paid less by booking directly on site.

Mount Bromo at sunrise, showing its volcanoes and Mount Semeru (background)
Mount Bromo at sunrise, showing its volcanoes and Mount Semeru (background). The Tengger massif in Java, Indonesia, at sunrise, showing the volcanoes Mt. Bromo (large crater, smoking), Mt. Semeru (background, smoking), Mount Batok in the foreground, and Mount Widodaren-Mount Kursi behind Mount Bromo. The early morning fog surrounds the peaks, covering a plain of finest volcanic ashes. Thomas Hirsch (= user Ravn), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

From Malang to Bromo

To access Bromo, you have to go to CemoroLawang, the village closest to the park. From Malang, Cemero Lawang is difficult to reach on your own. The best if you want to do everything by yourself and for the cheapest is to go through Probolinggo.

Nevertheless, if you have the opportunity to book directly through the local agency, then you can do it too.

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